邢立娟,法学博士(SJD),经济学博士,足球投注app-足球下注平台-足球投注网站 副教授、博士生导师。
2022年5月起 足球投注app-足球下注平台-足球投注网站 副教授
2019-2022 美国堪萨斯大学 The Global Restoration Project 创办人及管理者之一
2013-2019 香港城市大学足球投注app 助理教授;Hong Kong Centre for Maritime and Transportation Law 副主任 (2015-2018)
2012-2013 加拿大曼尼托巴大学足球投注app 访问学者及客座讲师
2012-2013 美国堪萨斯大学Center for International Trade and Agriculture 访问研究员
2009-2012 美国堪萨斯大学 国际与比较法学 法学博士 (SJD)
2004-2007 东北财经大学 国际贸易学 经济学博士
2001-2004 大连海事大学 国际法学(海商法方向)法学硕士
1997-2001 大连海事大学 海商法学 法学学士
Xing Lijuan & John W. Head (并列第一作者), International Encyclopaedia of Law – Intergovernmental Organizations: Asian Development Bank (《国际法律百科全书系列 —— 政府间组织:亚洲发展银行》) 4th ed., Kluwer Law International, The Netherlands, 2018, ISBN 978-9041107756).
Xing Lijuan (独著), The Essentials of Chinese Maritime Law (《中国海商法精要》) (Wolters Kluwer Hong Kong Limited, Hong Kong SAR, 2017, ISBN 978-988-77413-4-3).
John W. Head & Xing Lijuan (并列第一作者), International Encyclopaedia of Law – Intergovernmental Organizations: Asian Development Bank (《国际法律百科全书系列 —— 政府间组织:亚洲发展银行》) 3rd ed., Kluwer Law International, The Netherlands, 2014, ISBN 978-9041107756).
Xing Lijuan (独著), Behind the Multilateral Trading System: Legal Indigenization and the WTO in Comparative Perspective (《多边贸易体制的背后:比较法视角下的法律本土化与WTO》) (Carolina Academic Press, USA, 2014, ISBN 978-1-61163-294-1).
John W. Head & Xing Lijuan (并列第一作者), Legal Transparency in Dynastic China: The Legalist-Confucianist Debate and Good Governance in Chinese Tradition (《古代中国的法制透明化:法家—儒家之辩与中国法律传统下的良治》)Carolina Academic Press, USA, 2013, ISBN 978-1-61163-295-8).
Xing Lijuan, China’s New “Ecological Civilization” and Its Traditional Roots, in Deep Agroecology and the Homeric Epics: Global Cultural Reforms for a Natural-System Agriculture (John W. Head) 138 – 145 (Routledge, UK and USA, 2021).
Xing Lijuan, Ship Registration, in Maritime Law and Practice in Hong Kong (The Honourable Mr. Justice Barma, JA editor-in-chief) 3 – 17 (2nd ed., Sweet & Maxwell, Hong Kong SAR, 2019).
Xing Lijuan, Bareboat Charters, in Maritime Law and Practice in Hong Kong (The Honourable Mr. Justice Barma, JA editor-in-chief) 129 – 137 (2nd ed., Sweet & Maxwell, Hong Kong SAR, 2019).
Xing Lijuan, Private International Law in China, in China’s International Business Transactions and Laws: Key Tools for China (Danny McFadden & Derrick Wilde ed.) 455 – 486 (Wolters Kluwer Law & Business, Hong Kong SAR, 2016).
Xing Lijuan, Ship Registration, in Maritime Law and Practice in Hong Kong (The Honourable Mr. Justice Barma, JA ed.) 3 – 15 (Sweet & Maxwell, Hong Kong SAR, 2015).
Xing Lijuan, Sale of Ships and Ship Building Contracts, in Maritime Law and Practice in Hong Kong (The Honourable Mr. Justice Barma, JA ed.) 17 – 33 (Sweet & Maxwell, Hong Kong SAR, 2015).
Xing Lijuan, Bareboat Charters, in Maritime Law and Practice in Hong Kong (The Honourable Mr. Justice Barma, JA ed.) 111 – 120 (Sweet & Maxwell, Hong Kong SAR, 2015).
Xing Lijuan, The Optimism on Predictability: Applicable Law before the Chinese Maritime Courts, in Current Issues in Hong Kong and International Maritime Law 29-42 (Hong Kong Centre for Maritime and Transportation Law ed., City University of Hong Kong Press, Hong Kong SAR, 2015).
Xing Lijuan, The Rotterdam Rules and the International Rule of Law, in The Rule of Law: A Comparative Perspective: Festschrift For Anton MJ Cooray 299-325 (Guiguo Wang & Fan Yang eds., Hong Kong City University Press, Hong Kong SAR, 2013).
Xing Lijuan, Sources and Categories of Law and Lawyers, in Great Legal Traditions: Civil Law, Common Law, and Chinese Law in Historical and Operational Perspective (John W. Head) 574 – 590 (Carolina Academic Press, USA, 2011).
Xing Lijuan, Chinese Criminal Procedure, in Great Legal Traditions: Civil Law, Common Law, and Chinese Law in Historical and Operational Perspective (John W. Head) 590 – 605 (Carolina Academic Press, USA, 2011).
Xing Lijuan, Preceding Issues of China’s Mainland and Hong Kong Judicial Assistance with Interim Measures in Aid of Admiralty Proceedings, in China Legal Science (Vol. 11: 5, 2023) 32.
Xing Lijuan, Tempering the Extraterritoriality of Foreign Issued Anti-Suit Injunctions in Chinese Admiralty Proceedings, in Tsinghua China Law Review (Vol. 15:2, 2023) 257.
Xing Lijuan, Measure of Damages for Mistimed Redelivery of Vessel: The Opposite of Certainty is Not Uncertainty, in Tulane Maritime Law Journal (Vol. 42:1, 2018) 37 (USA).
Xing Lijuan, To Judicialize the Eco-Civilization Policy in China: A Perspective of Grasslands Protection, in Kansas Journal of Law & Public Policy (Vol. 26:3, 2017) 396 (USA).
Xing Lijuan, The Rhyme of History: A Transition of Legal Culture in China Crowned with the Criminal Procedure Law 2012, in Asia Pacific Law Review 31 (Vol. 23:1, 2015) (Hong Kong SAR).
Xing Lijuan, A Denouement with Suspense: The Epilogue of Canada – Renewable Energy, in Asper Review of International Business and Trade Law 20 (Vol. XIV, 2014) (Canada).
Xing Lijuan, Surprise under the Table: Inspirations from the Canada-EU CETA for Enhancing Global Agri-Environment by FTAs, in Asper Review of International Business and Trade Law 211 (Vol. XIII, 2013) (Canada).
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